Have you, or would you grab a quick bite here…?

I get emails from various grocery stores – I like to see what they’re going to put the prices way up for next… 😉

Anyway – the weekly King Soopers email just in – and they have a piece in the email on a “chicken sandwich” – it’s $1.99 – ok… sounds fair – but would I got out of my way to a grocery store to grab a fast-food bite if I was hungry? Probably not – even if it was half the price of the other options…

But would I grab one if I was there shopping and hungry at the same time… hmmm… maybe… has anyone reading this ever done that? Grabbed hot food at the grocery store and eaten it right away??

Would you grab a fast bite of hot chicken to eat now at the Grocery store?

Would you grab a fast bite of hot chicken to eat now at the Grocery store?